The East London Wheelchair Dance Club is CLOSED until further notice, but you can find out lots of information about wolk dancing and Folk in Motion, take part in warm-ups and watch videos here.
We learn and perform ‘wolk’, an adapted form of traditional English dance that has received the ‘Inspired by 2012’ mark, led by local wheelchair dance company Folk in Motion. (Folk in Motion is an Associate Company of Together! 2012 CIC.) No experience is necessary and there is no upper body movement or physical contact involved, making it suitable for all wheelchair users.
In the past we met fortnightly on Fridays in term-time from 5.15-6.15pm, but we may need to organise differently in the future. All wheelchair users are welcome, whether you use a manual or powered chair or need to be pushed (please bring your own pusher or contact us beforehand so we can recruit one), and whatever your age. Carers/PAs/companions are also welcome. All sessions are FREE.
For more information contact Ju Gosling on 07973 252751 /
The East London Wheelchair Dance Club has been supported by Motivate East, the London Borough of Newham and the Mayor of London’s FreesSport programme. In September 2019 Folk in Motion received Arts Council England funding for a 17-month project including the East London Wheelchair Dance Club.