2024 Events Programme

All of our events and activities take place online via Zoom and YouTube and are FREE to attend. Recordings of 2024 events that have already taken place are available below (see our Archives for recordings from previous years). All events are led by Disabled artists. Most events are for everyone, but some activities are aimed at Disabled people and their companions. All performances and live events and activities have English captions and British Sign Language interpretation.

Company photographWednesday 30 October 2024, 2.30-3.30pm: Act Up! Newham presents ‘Black, Disabled and Proud’ to celebrate Black History Month. An afternoon of entertainment written and directed by Act Up! Newham’s Black artists, compered by Glory Sengo. Jade Sempare uses a well known song to explore the affects of staring on her everyday life; Awa Jagne takes the audience with her on her bus journey; Grace Fundu explores the meaning of beauty; and Glory Sengo entertains us with Congolese dance. Followed by a Q&A with the performers. Act Up! Newham is Together! 2012 CIC’s Associate Drama Company. Book here.

Coming soon:  Event details and booking links will be available shortly for the Together! 2024 Disability Film Festival (7-8 December). 

2024 Event Recordings and Websites

Released Saturday 21 September:  The Kitchen Carnival 2024: DragonsA Girl conjures up the Carnival Dragon Spirit with the help of a Witch. The Spirit enters the kitchen recycling and takes people over. Find out more about the Kitchen Carnival here, including activities and resources to join in from home at any time.

August – 15 September 2024. The Sounds of Silence. A project for the British Science Festival. Click here to view the project webpage, including an original screen-dance by Isolte Avila and poetry from the Together! 2012 Pop-Up Poetry Club.

Recorded on Wednesday 24 July 7-8pm: At the Rainbow’s End. A rehearsed reading by Artemis Theatre Company of Clare Summerskill’s new play about older LGBTQI+ people’s experience of social care. This is a hard-hitting and moving play, based entirely on interviews with older LGBTQ+ about their real-life experiences of homophobia and transphobia in care settings and in their own home in later life. Brought to you online with the support of Regard, the national LGBTQI+ Disabled People’s Organisation. Let us know what you think of the show via our short feedback form.

July 2024: Together 2024 Open Exhibition for Disability Pride Month, bringing together self-selected works by amateur, community, semi-professional and professional Disabled artists with a link to Together! 2012 CIC or the main Paralympic Host Borough of Newham. Click here to view. Includes the recording of our celebration and guided tour on Zoom from 7-8pm on Thursday 18 July.

Montage of images from the Greenhill CentreRecorded on Friday 28 June 12.30-1.30pm: Click here to view. The Greenhill Centre: A Space for Community. A video presentation and lunchtime discussion led by writer, musician and filmmaker Angus McKenzie Davie for Newham Heritage Month.  Opened in 1977 and closed in 2011, the Greenhill Centre on High Street North provided a vibrant and supportive community space for Disabled residents in Newham. This event features films by Angus and a discussion with other former Greenhill Centre members. Everyone is welcome, and there will be British Sign Language interpretation and live captions. Please let us know what you think of the event via our short feedback form.

Montage of images of the performers, the inclusive Pride flag and the Together! 2012 CIC logophoto of Marcella RickRecorded on Friday 21 June: Click here to view. Together We Are Proud! A Cabaret for LGBTQI+ Pride Month featuring young Disabled artists. Marcella Rick introduces award-winning spoken word artist, activist and 2023’s A Lovely Word Poetry Slam champion Claire Beerjeraz; storyteller, comedian and performer Willzy; spoken word artist, playwright and DJ Olayemi Ade; storyteller Isaac Nixon; and blogger and spoken word artist Emily Manock. Let us know what you think of the show via our short feedback form.

Screenshot of Zoom eventRecorded on 8 March 2024: Click here to view. A musical celebration of International Women’s Day, featuring singer-songwriters Mx Dennis Queen and Clare Summerskill, story teller and writer Penny Pepper, and cellist Jo-anne Cox, with video footage of the late Roxana Stroe to whom this event is dedicated. You can find out more about the life and work of Roxana Stroe here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/rvt7tw-roxana The fundraiser was successful in its aim. Let us know what you think of the show via our short feedback form.

Recorded on Wednesday 28 February 2024 7-8pm: Together! Pop-Up Poetry Café for LGBT+ History Month on the theme of Medicine in association with Regard, the national LGBTQI+ Disabled People’s Organisation. Featuring Reanna Valentine, DL Williams, Marcella Rick and Vron McIntyre from the UK and Cedar Whelan all the way from Sydney Australia. Let us know what you think of the show via our short feedback form.

Holocaust Memorial Day 27/1Published on Saturday 27 January 2024: The Fragility of Freedom for Disabled People. A resource to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day, with poetry, text and conversation, comparing the situation facing Disabled people in the UK today with the ’10 Stages of Genocide’. Click here.