H2Ome. Robin Surgeoner. UK. 2020. 5:39. Premiere. A film about what makes my home as the sum of who I am. H2Ome is a short film exploring my relationship with water and the world, my family, the things in my life that are important to me and how they all fit under the banner of home. Containing ideas from personal identity through to the freedom experienced in water as opposed to being on land. In English with English captions.
A Sonic Pulse. Dorothy Allen-Pickard. UK. 2020. 7:00. Premiere. A Sonic Pulse explores D/deaf people’s experience of electronic music from a visceral, communal and scientific perspective. English captions. Also available to watch free here: https://vimeo.com/357808052
A Different Way Of Seeing. Mouth That Roars In Focus SEND Group. UK. 2020. 32:17. An experimental documentary about five young Autistic people from Hackney who discuss their everyday lives. In English with English captions. 3D. Also available to watch free here: https://player.vimeo.com/video/398500021?color=f52f38&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0
Positive All the Way. Dr. Steven Ungerleider and David Ulich. United States. 2020. 33:08. UK Premiere. Positive All the Way explores how the former president of the International Paralympic Committee used these principles as a compass to guide the world’s largest adaptive sports organization to become a global leader for social change. In English with English captions. Winner of the Kat Award for Best Documentary.