7 DECEMBER 2014 1.30pm
Who cares? Camilla Arnold. 28m. 2013. In this film we see three English elderly Deaf people who use British Sign Language as their method of communication, in their homes, at a social club or visiting their partner who is in residential care. We hear from them about issues connected with ageing: isolation, loneliness and worrying about future care provision. Click here to view the film online.
Fragmented lives. Fay Hart. 15m5s. 2014. Fragmented Lives offers a unique and incremental perspective. It is a documentary which focuses on the emotional impact of disabilities and personal stories. These raise questions of love and self-image, the idea of having more ability through dreams and memories and the virtual world, as well as the challenges of living with a hidden disability. Click here to view the film online.
The Anonymous. Mazin M Sherabayani. 13m. 2014. At the Domez Camp in Iraqi Kurdistan for Syrian refugees, we learn of an anonymous disabled Man, he cannot talk and no one at the camp knows his name or background, who wanted to show the cameras what life is like at the camp. Click here to view the film online.
Shakespeare: Found in translation. Cathy Hefferman. 28m. 2014. The journey of a small theatre company as it takes on the daunting challenge of translating and then performing Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream in British Sign Language at Shakespeare’s Globe. Click here to view the film online.