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This evening of women’s comedy and comic poetry took place on 18 November 2021, compered by Together! 2012 CIC Chair and livestream co-host Julie Newman, who began writing comedy in her 70s in response to the pandemic.
Helena Ascough is an emerging artist based in the north-west of England. Her new poetry Space Invaders explores how Disabled people feel in new spaces, covering lockdown, public transport and busy places.
Cheryl Mclennan is a performance poet and sit down comic. She has featured and taken part in many London spoken-word events with Rrrants (Rhythmical Ravings and Rants Collective) and as an independent performer. Cheryl has been published in poetry and short story anthologies. Her inspiration comes from an eclectic and rich mix of everyday life, experienced as a woman with disabilities.
Mining Village Vivant Wendy Young is suitably dark/humorous/working class rooted ‘n’ pit booted in her simple, twisted, dark and nutty poetry! She is a poet/performer who first cut her teeth with Survivors Poetry, and has performed widely in London and beyond as well as appearing across the UK in print. Working as Misery with Oomph!, Wendy makes a welcome return to the Together! Festival.
All Festival events include BSL interpretation and live captions.
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