JU GOSLING AKA ju90 WRITES: Every year I reflect on each event in our Festival soon after it takes place, recording and sharing my thoughts as the Artistic Director of Together! 2012 CIC. As I explain in my first Blog entry below, this is not a post that I would have expected to hold, four years after London 2012. However, it has been an incredible journey, and a great privilege to play a part in creating a lasting and concrete Paralympic Legacy in the main Host Borough of Newham. Newham faced many challenges before 2012, and the community has faced many more since then, particularly disabled residents who have suffered enormously from the combination of local and national government cuts. We believe that art and culture have a crucial role to play in changing our world, as well as making it a more enjoyable and interesting place to live. Please do join us at our Festival in person if you can — everything is free, and we do all we can to make it inclusive and accessible. But if not, you can follow our progress on this website, as well as linking to videos and other information.