Please note that you may need to use the pull-down menu at the top to access some of the links within these pages, but all of the pages still exist.
In 2022 we:
- Concluded our weekly pandemic livestreams (but have plans for new ones).
- Organised a Sign Poetry workshop with DL Williams and the Together! Pop-Up Poetry Café for Newham Word Festival.
- Celebrated ten years and organising more than 2012 events and activities since the London Paralympics for Newham Heritage Month. You can watch the recording here.
- Organised another Kitchen Carnival with Clary Salandy, this time on the theme of Fancy Sailors.
- Produced the Together! 2022 Disability History Month Festival.
- Produced the Together! 2022 Disability Film Festival.
- Succeeded in applying for renewed and increased funding from Arts Council England.
- Won the East London Community Heroes Award for Outstanding Initiative in Art and Culture.