Our Aliens street art act, an original production by Together! 2012 CIC with the support of Natural Diversions theatre company, performed at the Liberty Festival in September and at Stratford Centre in November.
Together! 2012 CIC reached two important milestones in 2016. Arts Council England selected us for ‘Elevate’ funding, investing £126,000 into a two-year capacity building and income-generating programme which has also been supported by Lendlease and Trinity Buoy Wharf.
We were also offered office and storage space by Vicarage Lane Community Centre in Stratford, and moved our year-round programme there in September. This enabled us to add weekly sessions of the Professional Development Club and to open a new monthly Dance Club, as well as to extend the opportunities offered to volunteers.

Act Up! Newham perform Outside the Box at the Old Town Hall Stratford on 25 November as part of the Together! 2016 Disability History Month Festival. L to R: Paizah Malek, Glory Sengo, Grace Fundu, Sterre Ploeger, Abdul Qureshi and Jade Sempare.
We continued to receive Arts Council England funding for our Summer Together! and Disability History Month Festival programmes – find out more about these by clicking on the links below.