The Together! 2012 Dance on Screen Club is FREE and meets on Zoom from 11am-12noon on the fourth Monday of each month (we do not operate in August and December). Each session includes chair-based warming-up and stretching and free movement, with all participants encouraged to select music and contribute ideas. We also create short film-dances, currently for The Kitchen Carnival.
The Dance on Screen Club is led by artistic director Dr Ju Gosling aka ju90, together with other mid-career and emerging Disabled dance artists and companies.
All Disabled people are welcome, and no previous experience is necessary. Dress in comfortable clothes — non-wheelchair users should wear trainers or similar footwear, or be in bare feet. For more information contact You can also join in from home here.
The Dance Club is funded by Newham Council, with visiting companies funded by Arts Council England. It has previously received funding from The National Lottery Community Fund.
In summer 2017 participants decided not to show their faces when performing, and created this experimental film.
Fire Dance On a cold day at the community centre, the motion-sensitive heaters became the centre of attention for the Together! 2012 Dance Club. Created in one day on 22 January 2018.
On 29 October 2018, Dance Club members enjoyed a dance workshop with Menka Nagrani and Les Productions des pieds des mains from Montréal ahead of the VIBE symposium on 1 December. At the end they created this short video.