SATURDAY 10 DECEMBER 2016: 12.30-1.30pm
With BSL Interpretation. A light lunch will be provided
Do disabled actors and filmmakers from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups (BAME) face twice the barriers that their peers do? What should we all be doing to acknowledge and tackle discrimination, both within the disability community and the mainstream? All are welcome to discuss this important issue on World Human Rights Day.
Double Discrimination. Rinkoo Barpaga. BSL Zone. 2014. 27:00. Rinkoo Barpaga investigates Deaf people’s experiences of racism, including leading figures in the Deaf community. This is Barpaga’s first documentary, and it was made as part of the BSL Zone’s filmmaking scheme, Zoom Focus 2014. Produced by Neath Films. Available to watch online at In BSL with English subtitles.