Together! 2012 CIC is committed to offering equality of opportunity to staff, volunteers and participants from across age, cultural, faith and impairment groups, regardless of gender and sexual orientation, and to delivering activities that reflect the diverse values, needs and lived experiences of community members.
Staff and sessional workers:
Together! 2012 CIC is committed to offering equal opportunities to all paid workers regardless of marital/civil partnership status, gender (including those whose gender differs from how it was classified at birth), impairment, age, ethnicity/cultural background, sexual orientation, religion/belief (or lack of), trade union membership and/or status as a fixed-term or part-time worker. We are committed to treating all paid workers fairly and respectfully, and to organizing our activities to enable the greatest possible access to equal opportunities. All paid workers will be treated with dignity and respect, and will be protected against harassment and bullying. We recognise that people’s needs are wide-ranging, and that best practice changes over time. We will adjust our policies and procedures as necessary to create equality of opportunity, including on an individual basis.
Together! 2012 CIC is committed to offering equal opportunities to all volunteers regardless of marital/civil partnership status, gender (including those whose gender differs from how it was classified at birth), impairment, age, ethnicity/cultural background, sexual orientation, religion/belief (or lack of), trade union membership and/or status as a short-term or long-term volunteer. We are committed to treating all volunteers fairly and respectfully, and to organizing our activities to enable the greatest possible access to equal opportunities. All volunteers will be treated with dignity and respect, and will be protected against harassment and bullying. Volunteers include members of the Community Advisory Board. We recognise that people’s needs are wide-ranging, and that best practice changes over time. We will adjust our policies and procedures as necessary to create equality of opportunity, including on an individual basis.
Together! 2012 CIC is committed to offering equal opportunities to all participants regardless of marital/civil partnership status, gender (including those whose gender differs from how it was classified at birth), impairment, age, ethnicity/cultural background, sexual orientation, religion/belief (or lack of), trade union membership and/or employment status. We are committed to treating all participants fairly and respectfully, and to organizing our activities to enable the greatest possible access to equal opportunities. All participants will be treated with dignity and respect, and will be protected against harassment and bullying. We recognise that people’s needs are wide-ranging, and that best practice changes over time. We will adjust our policies and procedures as necessary to create equality of opportunity, including on an individual basis.
Training will be provided as necessary to ensure that the Equal Opportunities Policy is understood and is being implemented appropriately and effectively. Disability Equality Training (DET) will also be provided.
Together! 2012 CIC’s work will be carried out with due regard to the best practice recommendations within the Resources section of our website. We will also draw on best practice from across the Disabled people’s movement, voluntary sector and arts world.
The final responsibility for monitoring and implementing the Equal Opportunities Policy rests with the directors. In the first instance, breaches should be reported to the session leader, who will be responsible for contacting a director as soon as is practical.
This Policy is monitored on an ongoing basis and reviewed annually by the directors to ensure that it remains fit for purpose, and is updated as necessary.
Reviewed and updated 12/4/2024.