Together! 2012 CIC welcomes compliments and feedback and takes complaints very seriously. Our aim is to improve our services on a continuous basis, and feedback, whether positive or negative, is integral to this process. Nothing you say to us will affect the way that we treat you in the future nor the activities that we offer you.
Feedback forms are provided for all one-off events and activities, and assistance can be given with completing these as required. Feedback forms are anonymous, but you can provide your details and ask us to contact you if you wish. You can also provide feedback by using the Zoom Chat function, and we encourage you to do so.
From time to time we may also contact Clubs participants and ask if they are willing to provide feedback on a one-to-one basis to a director or Team member. We can also organise one-to-one feedback about any of our events, services or activities on request.
Feedback and Compliments can also be given by email to; or by writing to Together! 2012 CIC, c/o The Retreat, 406 Roding Lane South, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 8EY. Feedback via BSL video can be emailed as above. We will let you know we have received these and will say thank you to you.
Complaints can be made by the individual concerned or by their carer, advocate or other representative. (Complaints by organisations should be sent directly addressed to The Board in writing as above.) We encourage complainants to tell us what they would like us to do in response; what would be their ideal outcome? Negative or critical feedback can also be provided to us anonymously via our feedback forms, but we may not be able to act on anonymous information, and we can only respond to you if you supply your details.
If your complaint is about an activity or event that you are taking part in at the time, let the activity leader know via the Zoom chat function, or ask to meet with them as soon as possible in a separate ‘Zoom Room’. Activity Leaders will respond immediately if this is possible.
For example, if a participant’s access requirements are not being met — perhaps the lighting level on the activity leader is insufficient, or the automatic captions aren’t functioning — the Activity Leader will take action if possible to address these by making swift adjustments to the arrangements. If another participant or audience member is breaching the Safer Space, then the Activity Leader may remove them from the Zoom.
Complaints that cannot be dealt with immediately to the satisfaction of the complainant will be reported by the Activity Leader to the Artistic Director. Complainants will be offered the choice of the Activity Leader facilitating the recording of their complaint in writing, or of being provided with the contact details for the Board. Complaints will be acknowledged within 7 days, and a full response will normally be made within 28 days.
Where the Board upholds a complaint, action will be taken to achieve satisfactory change as soon as possible, and details will be provided to the complainant, together with an apology. If a complaint is not upheld, an explanation will be provided to the complainant to explain why this is the case. If the complainant does not accept the findings, a further review will take place by the Board.
If a complaint involves a volunteer or member of staff, the relevant Personnel procedures will be implemented, including if necessary the Disciplinary procedure. If a complaint involves a Director, the Chair of the Together! 2012 CIC Community Advisory Board will be involved in the investigation. Where we are unable to provide full details of the action that we have taken for legal reasons, we will still respond as fully as we can.
This Policy is monitored on an ongoing basis and reviewed annually by the directors to ensure that it remains fit for purpose, and is updated as necessary.
Reviewed and updated 12/4/2024.