Join in from home: Make a paper snowflake with Kate Rolison
To make the snowflake shape you will need:
2 empty toilet paper rolls
A pair of safety scissors
PVA glue
A paintbrush or glue spreader
A bowl
Some clothes pegs
Some string
To make homemade glitter to decorate your snowflake with, you will need:
Some salt – a mixture of fine salt and rougher, thicker salt works well
Some food colouring
A bowl
A spoon
A baking tray
A plate
And your PVA glue
First, flatten both of your toilet paper rolls and cut them into 6 rings. You will now have 12 rings.
Turn the rings on their sides and arrange them in a snowflake pattern. You can fold six of the rings in half and put them on the ends of the inner rings to make points. Using your paint brush or glue spreader, dab a bit of glue on to the end of each inner ring, and stick each of the outer points on to each ring, one by one. Leave to dry.
Using your paint brush or glue spreader, dab a bit of glue on to the end of each inner ring, and stick each of the outer points on to each ring, one by one. Leave to dry.
Once the rings have dried, dab a bit of glue on to the side of each of the inner rings and stick them together. For the last ring, you will need to put glue on both sides. To help the glue dry strong, you can put a peg where each ring holds together, and leave to dry.
While your snowflake is drying, you can make your homemade glitter.
Mix quite a lot of your salt with 4 or 5 drops of food colouring in a bowl, using your spoon. You’ll have to mix it for quite a long time so it’s all the same colour. Spread this out on your baking tray as thin and flat as possible, using the back of your spoon.
Ask a grownup to help you bake your glitter in a preheated oven set to Gas Mark 4/180°C for 10 minutes
Leave to cool completely, and then cover your plate with lots of your PVA glue. Dip your snowflake in the glue, and sprinkle it with the glitter, or dunk it in the glitter to really cover the snowflake. You can also use your paintbrush to put glue on your snowflake, and then use your paintbrush or your hands to put glitter all over it.
Once you’re happy with your glitter decoration, leave your snowflake to dry. Finally, tie a piece of string through one of the inner rings of your snowflake, and hang it up wherever you like.
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