Together Unlocked! Highlights & Links April 2020

29 APRIL 2020

Find out more about the Paralym World Art Cup and how to enter here:

Music and Light with Jo-anne Cox

Nature watch with Precious Newman

Chorus from Angry Fish: Inalienable Rights

I’ve got my rights and they are completely sustainable
Sanctioned by the UN as simply inalienable
You can’t shoot me cause I’m Black or beat me up cause I’m disabled
Cause the European Convention on Human Rights has been completely enabled

27 APRIL 2020

Apply for a virtual commission for the Together! 2020 Disability History Month Festival:

Dance along with Krip Hop Nation in tribute to Rob da Noise Temple: I don’t judge you.

Sterre Ploeger: Making a plaque with my hands

Ellen Goodey: When I close my eyes

If you enjoyed the excerpt from I’m a Gnu by Flanders and Swann, here is the Muppets version:

24 APRIL 2020

Jade Sempare: Dressing Up To Go Out to Stay In
– remember to send us your photos and videos on Friday mornings

Blossom Watch

Blossom in Birmingham

Blossom in East London

Smartphone Photography Techniques


Something for the Weekend:

Join in a relaxed performance from home of The Twisted Tale of Hansel and Gretel. You can watch here and find printable programmes and tickets, guidance on relaxed performances and join-in activities here:

Virtual Kew Gardens:

San Diego Zoo live cams

Lesflicks Online. A programme of more than 30 live events with lesbian filmmakers and actors and 10+ virtual watch parties with lesbian films, running until 30 May.

22 APRIL 2020

Act Up! Newham: Happy Easter

Nature watch with Precious Newman

Tribute to Rob Da Noize Temple

Rob da Noize Temple RIP

Ju Gosling aka ju90: The Revenge of the Invisible People

20 APRIL 2020

Tribute to Lyn Levett Euphoria by Lyn Levett, with visuals by Ju Gosling starring Eve Smith

You can also watch Space and Stream Dream by Lyn Levett.

Interview with Eve Smith

Sterre Ploeger: Easter Crafts

Ju Gosling aka ju90: QuALitY of Life

17 APRIL 2020

Nature watch with Precious Newman (full-length version). 

Emily Surgeoner: Dressing Up to Go Out to Stay In

Colour photograph of a young teenage girl with light. brown hair sitting in a kitchen in a wheelchair. She is dressed in a short-sleeved green t-shirt, a wide brown belt, and a short blue patterned skirt with pull-up socks.

Emily Surgeoner: Dressed Up to Go Out to Stay In

15 APRIL 2020

Act Up! Newham: We’ll Meet Again.

Act Up! Newham: Staying at Home.

Pritesh Patel: Rainbow.

9 APRIL 2020

Act Up! Newham: Isolation.

Meet the Surgeoners.

Virtual Naturewatch with Precious Newman (unedited).

5 APRIL 2020

Sterre Ploeger: Rainbow.

Colour photograph of a young woman smiling by a window where she has created a rainbow from tissue paper.

Sterre Ploeger: Rainbow.

Ju Gosling aka ju90: Metamorphosis paused.

3 APRIL 2020

Ju Gosling: Dressed for Deliveries!

Colour photograph of woman dressed in green waterproofs wearing a mask and surgical gloves

Ju Gosling: Dressed for deliveries!

1 APRIL 2020

Introducing the ju90 studio.

30 MARCH 2020

Pritesh Patel: Coronavirus Monster.