Together! 2018 Disability History Month Festival

22 November – 14 December 2018

Act Up! Newham premiered When You See Me at Stratford Circus on Friday 23 November 2018.

Our annual Disability History Month Festival is the highlight of our year, showcasing the talents of locally based, national and international Disabled artists. From the end of October onwards, the Together! 2018 Disability History Month Festival offers a range of exhibitions, performances, screenings, events and other activities that are FREE and open to everyone. We extend access by posting event videos online, in addition to online-only events – this year we have collaborated with Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra to create two uniquely inclusive playlists celebrating this year’s Disability History Month theme of Music.

We aim to be as inclusive as possible of audience members as well as artists. All venues have step-free access and limited Blue Badge parking. Live audio-description is available on demand; productions are amplified with induction loops. BSL interpretation is provided for performances where speech is the main communication form. No need to book unless you wish to reserve seats (advised for groups of 5+). To reserve seats and find out more, email

Colour photograph of the performance

New street art piece Always Waiting with Natural Diversions launched the festival on Saturday 28 October 2018 outside Beckton Globe Library.

(Click on the listings for more details and videos of past events)

Menka Nagrani and Les Productions des pieds des mains led a workshop with the Together! Dance Club on 29 October 2018, creating work for the VIBE event on Saturday 1 December.

  • Saturday 27 October 12 noon-1pm: Festival Launch and World Premiere of ‘Always Waiting’ New street art from locally based Disabled artists, with Natural Diversions from Bath and guest performers from Montréal. Directed by Natural Diversions and produced by Ju Gosling aka ju90. Outside Beckton Globe Library.
  • Monday 29 October 11am-2pm (arrive from 10.30am, lunch provided from 1pm): Dance Workshop with Menka Nagrani and Les Productions des pieds des mains from Montréal. Ahead of the VIBE symposium on 1 December, join visiting artists from Canada and the Together! Dance Club to contribute to making new work for the screen. Supported by the British Council in Canada. Vicarage Lane Community Centre Stratford.
  • Paracarnival paraded and performed signed songs at Gallions Reach Shopping Park on Sunday 25 November 2018.

    Friday 23 November 2018 7-9pm: World Premiere of ‘When You See Me’ & Festival Opening This new drama, commissioned by us from our associate company Act Up! Newham, and written and directed by Trevor Lloyd, is inspired by the Circus 250 anniversary. Stratford Circus 1.

  • Sunday 25 November 2018 1-2pm: Paracarnival Parade Paracarnival brings Carnival to Newham with a procession of locally based Disabled artists and friends. Gallion’s Reach Shopping Park Beckton.
  • ‘As the wheel turns’ by Heather Carol can be seen in the Together! 2018 Open Exhibition at Vicarage Lane Community Centre, bringing together Disabled artists with a Newham connection.

    Monday 26 November 2018-14 December 2018: Together! 2018 Open Exhibition bringing together amateur, community, emerging and mid-career Disabled artists with a local connection. Vicarage Lane Community Centre Stratford. Open Monday to Friday mornings only.

  • Saturday 1 December 2018 2-5pm: ‘VIBE: The Art of Transatlantic Inclusion’ A simultaneous symposium and exhibition about our two-year tactile sound project with Concordia University, Vibrafusion Lab Ontario and Disabled artists in Montréal. Vicarage Lane Community Centre Stratford.
  • Monday 3 December 2018 11am-1pm: Reading for Human Rights. Join us on International Day of Disabled People to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights by reading from this and from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Texts will be available in Easy Read and different languages including BSL. Beckton Globe Library.
  • graphic of a wheelchair user holding a camcorder

    The Together! 2018 Disability Film Festival is at the Old Town Hall Stratford from 7-9 December 2018, with a two-day audio-description workshop on 6 & 7 December.

    Friday 7th (6-8pm), Saturday 8th (12-8pm) & Sunday 9th December 2018 (12-8pm): Together! 2018 Disability Film Festival Our international film festival brings together films of all budgets and genres, by Disabled filmmakers or featuring a central Disabled character. Old Town Hall Stratford. We also offer a two-day workshop for emerging Disabled filmmakers on 6 & 7 December – email for further details.

  • The Together! Music Club on 14 December 2018 is one of several events celebrating the Disability History Month theme of Music.

    Tuesday 11 December 2018 11am-2pm: Newham Disabled Reps Forum host a musical celebration of Disability History Month, including lunch and a raffle. Speakers include Disability History Month director Richard Rieser. Vicarage Lane Community Centre Stratford.

  • Friday 14 December 7-9pm: Together! Music Club and end-of-festival party Celebrate this year’s Disability History Month theme of music with an Open Mike night featuring Together! 2012 artists and friends, compered by Ju Gosling aka ju90. Vicarage Lane Community Centre Stratford.

Paracarnival performed signed songs and paraded at Gallions Reach Shopping Park on 25 November 2018.


All venues have step-free access and toilets that meet the minimum legal standard for access. For specific details, see Disabled 

Beckton Globe Library, 1 Kingsford Way, London E6 5JQ. Nearest station (accessible): Beckton (DLR). 020 3373 0853. Bus routes include: 101, 173, 262, 300, 366, 376, 474.

Gallions Reach Shopping Park, 3 Armada Way, Beckton, London E6 7ER. Nearest station: Gallions Reach DLR (fully accessible). Bus routes include: 366, 262 & 101. Large free carpark. Click here for further details.

Old Town Hall, 29 The Broadway, Stratford, London E15 4BQ. 020 3373 7033 /07791 291 685. Nearest tube, overground and DLR stations: Stratford (fully accessible). Bus routes include 25, 69, 86, D8, 104, 108, 158, 238, 241, 257, 262, 276, 308, 425, 473, N8, N86, 010, A9, 741 & UL1. Blue Badge holders can prebook parking; others are advised to use the (old) Stratford shopping centre carpark.

Stratford Circus, Theatre Square, Stratford, London E15 1BX. 020 8279 1001. Nearest tube, overground and DLR stations: Stratford (fully accessible). Bus routes 257, 69  and 308 stop outside Stratford Circus in Great Eastern Road; 25, 86, 104, 108, 158, 238, 241, 262, 276, 425, 473, D8 alight at station. Very limited Blue Badge parking nearby; otherwise use the (old) Stratford shopping centre carpark.

Vicarage Lane Community Centre, Govier Close, E15 4HW. 0207 420 4986. Nearest tube, overground and DLR stations: Stratford (fully accessible). Street parking. Bus routes include: 101, 104, 300, 474.