Together! 2021 Disability Film Festival Programme

Official selection Together! 2021 Disability Film FestivalOur tenth annual international Disability Film Festival is now over, but you can find programme links to the films that remain publicly available for viewing online. To find out more about the Festival, click here, and click here to find out who won the 2021 Kat Awards.

Friday 3 December

International Day of Disabled People programme with films from Brazil, Ghana and India, plus a conversation with Together! 2012 CIC Chair Julie Newman and Indian filmmakers Shweta Ghosh and Priyanka Pal of We Make Film (India. 2021. 80m. European Premiere).

Saturday 4 December 

On demand 12noon-12midnight GMT:

1-2pm. Barriers to Work. A lunchtime conversation via Zoom with Disabled filmmakers and Paula Lamont from Bectu about the working conditions that prevent getting a job and career progression, and what can be done to achieve change. Intersectional issues including the impact on parents and carers of the ‘long hours, short breaks’ international filmmaking culture are included. Introduced and chaired by Festival Director Dr Ju Gosling FRSA.  With BSL interpretation.

Sunday 5 December 

On demand 12noon-12midnight GMT:

1-2pm. Zoom Films: Stopgap or new art form? A lunchtime conversation via Zoom with Disabled filmmakers about the long-term potential of filmmaking over Zoom. Is it just a way for people to get together when forced into isolation, or is it a way of connecting filmmakers across the world to create a new hybrid art-form combining radio, film and animation? With BSL interpretation and live captions. View the recording here:

Click here to return to the Together! 2021 Disability History Month Festival programme

Programme supported by Film Hub London, managed by Film London. Proud to be a partner of the BFI Film Audience Network, funded by the National Lottery.
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Together! 2021 Disability History Month Festival. 11 November-9 December 2021. A Month of inclusive Dance, Drama, Exhibitions, Family Activities, Films, Poetry and conversations, all free and from the comfort of your own home. Including the international Together! 2021 Disability Film Festival. Supported by the National Lottery Community Fund and Arts Council England.