Night-time Stories 2 Sunday 6 December 6.30pm

The Land and the Sea. Jessica Docherty. Scotland. 2019. 4.16. British Sign Language poet Tania Allan performs her Sign Art Poem ‘The Land and the Sea’, accompanied by an ambient score from sonic artist Beth Horseman. Please note, the English captions on this video are intended to enable a viewer who does not use British Sign Language to better understand the content of the poem. They are not the English translation of this BSL poem. 3F. 2D.

Clouds publicity posterClouds. Velton J Lishke. UK. 2020. 1:32. UK Premiere. A comedy drama about a character who struggles to deal with ADHD. Stuart moved to London to find a job, but things are not working out how he expected. Rejection fills his every day when a surprise call from his beloved uncle, reminds home to come back home in the north of England to celebrate his Mum’s birthday. But just when things can’t get worse, his erstwhile father turns up on the scene and throws a literal grenade into proceedings. In English with English captions.  A comedy drama in the vein of Scott Pilgrim V’s The World and About A Boy. In English with English captions. Winner of the Kat Award for Best Drama.

Fire. Chas de Swiet. UK. 2019. 2:14. UK Premiere. Chas de Swiet and TKRDS are both diagnosed schizophrenic (or are Not In Consensual Reality) and acquired the Liminal Wood as an antidote to the pressures of city living. The intention is to create an accessible environmental art space and to be guardians of a sacred and healing reality which has huge amounts of freedom. They invited three filmmakers to live stream an evening of music, projected film and performance art. This is what resulted. No dialogue. 3D.

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