Finding Solutions Together! conference

Welcome from Dr Ju Gosling, Artistic Director, Together! 2012 CIC. 

Finding Solutions Together! Delivering inclusive festivals and outdoor events in the age of Covid-19 took place on 24 November as part of the Together! 2021 Disability History Month Festival. You can watch the recordings below, as well as copies of presentations and links.

Disabled people are more vulnerable to Covid-19 and other infections, and this vulnerability is increased when access is poor. What actions can we take to minimise the barriers that Disabled people encounter at festivals and outdoor events, and ensure events are Equality Act compliant? 

Chaired by Robin Surgeoner MBE. Together! 2012 CIC presents our publication Organising Inclusive Events and our Metrics for Equality, Access and InclusionJim Winship, Secretary of The Events Industry Forum, presents EIF publication The Purple Guide to Health, Safety and Welfare at Music and Other Events and explains its role in supporting events organisers. Steve Heap of the Association of Festival Organisations (AFO) and EIF joins in the discussion. 

Jim Winship talks to Ju Gosling

The pandemic has taught us that we can engage directly with people at home. How can we continue to extend engagement with festivals and events to artists, arts workers and audiences who cannot attend in person because of health conditions or caring responsibilities? 

Chaired by Julie Newman. Together! 2012 CIC presents our Kitchen Carnival online project with Clary Salandy of Mahogany Carnival Design.  You can also watch Clary’s presentation below. Queer House Party present their work during and after lockdownFollowed by a discussion. 

Together! 2012’s CIC Kitchen Carnival project

Audiences for online events during the pandemic have been uneven and often very disappointing, but the potential is unlimited. How can we grow online audiences for festivals and outdoor events, including targeting people who cannot attend in person due to geographic remoteness or because of health conditions or caring responsibilities? And how can we use online events to develop our brands and increase the number of events we produce annually?

Chaired by Dr Ju Gosling FRSA. Global Carnival consultant Pax Nindi FRSA talks about Hackney Carnival at Home 2021Rebecca Monks, Communications Manager at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, discusses how parts of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival were delivered online in summer 2021. Dr Adrian Leguina of Loughborough University and Dr Richard Misek from the University of Kent present their Arts and Humanities Research Council project on digital access to arts and culture during the pandemic and the future implications. Followed by a discussion. 

Moving forward. What next?. 

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Together! 2021 Disability History Month Festival. 11 November-9 December 2021. A Month of inclusive Dance, Drama, Exhibitions, Family Activities, Films, Poetry and conversations, all free and from the comfort of your own home. Including the international Together! 2021 Disability Film Festival. Supported by the National Lottery Community Fund and Arts Council England.