Make a papier mache trinket tray with Kate Rolison

You will need:

  • Something to cover your table or work surface, such as a plastic table cover or newspaper.
  • A plastic tub or cardboard box to use as your trinket tray.
  • An old newspaper, magazine or brochure, plain flour and warm water to make your papier mache.
  • White paint (acrylic or poster paint work best).
  • Colourful poster paint or acrylic paint — I’ve used blue and red.
  • Paint brushes and something to mix your paint in such as an old jar lid or empty yoghurt pot.

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Click here to return to the Festival programmeTogether! 2021 Disability History Month Festival. 11 November-9 December 2021. A Month of inclusive Dance, Drama, Exhibitions, Family Activities, Films, Poetry and conversations, all free and from the comfort of your own home. Including the international Together! 2021 Disability Film Festival. Supported by the National Lottery Community Fund and Arts Council England.